Artist:  Catalina Pollak Williamson (Chile)


Catalina Pollak Williamson (Santiago, Chile, 1975) is an artist and architect. She is interested in the politics of public space and, particularly, in the cultural mechanisms that govern the relationship between the public and the private in the production of urban space. Her work explores concepts of exclusion and control, privilege and power, challenging issues of accessibility and urban democracy through processes that invite participation and highlight the value of the public. Taking the form of interdisciplinary strategies embedded in the public sphere, these stories form the core of the work of Public Interventions, a platform for collaboration and research she has run since 2012. Pollak Williamson lives and works in London.


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  • The artwork will be launched in Espacios Revelados. The pictures shared in the photo gallery are from past pieces from the artist.



Instagram (Public)



Artwork: P | A | N

P | A | N – Project Amasanderia Nacional is a mobile bakery that will go about the streets of Yungay District inviting the community to take part in a collective action: kneading and producing bread.


Ten stations (public spaces of interest), strategically selected to cover the totality and diversity of the neighborhood, will determine the nodes of action and the radio of influence where the residents will convene to participate in this collective action. Each station will be temporarily occupied by a traditional bakery cart modified to accommodate the collective production of bread by the residents of the area: a surface for kneading, a space for the storage of raw materials, and a clay oven for baking.


A number of measuring and documenting devices will also form part of the production process.  All collected data will seek to consolidate an archive that will reflect both this artistic event and the experience of baking itself: the collective production of bread, and the activity around this programmatic activation of public space.


The place: Barrio Yungay