Artist: Cristián Plana (Chile)


Cristián Plana (Santiago, Chile, 1979) has dedicated for ten years to the escenic scene. He has directed theatrical pieces from diverse autors, always with a unique point of view of the materials selected and intending to pervert their origins towards a reflexive critique.

Artwork: Protagonist


PROTAGONIST comes from the Greek “protagonistís” made up of “protos” = first and “agonistís” = fighter. The word “agon” in Greek means struggle, combat or party. The stress of antagonism to overcome a struggle creates “agony” and hence, the meaning of the latter: “distress and anguish of the dying”.


Place: Casa Libertad


Location: Compañia 2784


On July 24, 1884, Mr. Javier Arlegui Rodriguez sells Mr. Adolfo Bruna Jerez the property enclosed by Compañia street to the north , the property of Don Antonio Montauban to the south, the property of Dona Dolores Vildósola to the east, and Libertad street to the west. The price: 3,000 pesos in cash of the time.
In 1890 Mr. Adolfo Bruna Jerez dies and leaves the property in the hands of his wife Carmen Valenzuela Jimenez, with whom he had 14 children, 10 of them alive, and entrusts the future inheritance of the property to them, as long as they are part of the the Catholic Church.


In 1912, Mrs. Carmen Valenzuela write her will and the property is bought by his son-in-law Pedro Stamna, married to her daughter Carmen Luisa.
The property will be in the hands of the Family Jérez Valenzuela for over a century.
In 1935, the house is sold to the Family Gaete Labra, who lives in the house for the next sixty years.
In 1954, Mr. Luis Gaete Labra and Mrs. Elena Meyerholz buy the succession of the property, moving to the hands of the Family Gaete Meyerholz family until the 1990s.
In 1990, the single owner is Elena Meyerholz Cuevas, granddaughter of the Gaete Meyerholz matrimony.


Just over a year, Mrs Elena Meyerholz Elena Cuevas sold the house to the Tupper Velasco matrimony, who acquired the property in order to preserve it, and convert it into a cultural center in Yungay District.